
Showing posts from December, 2022

Different Types Of Soup Recipe For Winter Season

  What is Soup? Any mix of fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, or fish can be boiled in a liquid to make soup, or the liquid can be served before the main course.Soup is filling, delicious, and high in nutrients.Soups should be garnished suitably for their type in addition to being served in a soup bowl with a liner. Soup are not just a delicious winter meal they can also help control weight gain and boost your immune system. Are you exciting to get a benifits by cook a Soup for this winter???  So, I am sharing today a simple soup recipe, using simple ingredients. I like recipes like that.  Simple ingredients put together in a very delicious way. You can't beat it!  DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOUP : Our first entry is a Flavourful Drumstick soup. Drumstick is finest source of calcium, iron, Zinc, Selenium. It is also excellent for diabetes, blood pressure and kidney health.Drumsticks are a rich source of vitamin A. Recipe Of Flavourfull Drumstick Soup :